Efstratios Manousakis
Donald Robson Professor of Physics
and Distinguished Research Professor
Department of Physics
and Center for Materials Research and Technology
Florida State University
Professor, Condensed Matter Theory.
E-mail: stratos@cmmp.fsu.edu
Telephone: (850) 644-3713
Fax Number: (850) 644-8630
Room: 612 Keen Building, Physics Department.
Research Interests
Condensed Matter Theory; Many-Body Theory; Statistical Mechanics.
Strongly Correlated Electrons |
Superconductivity |
Superfluidity |
Phase Transitions |
The Many-body Problem |
Computational Physics |
Biographical Information
Born in Ithaca, Greece, 1957.
Citizenship: U.S. and Greek.
Children: One Child: Jacob-AnthonyManousakis
Home Address: 2333 Tuscavilla Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32312
Home Phone Number: (850)668-0572.
1985 Ph. D., Physics , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1983 M. Sc., Physics , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1980 B. Sc., Physics University of Athens, Greece
Professional Experience
1992-present, Professor, Florida State University
1988-1992, Associate Professor, Florida State University
1987-1988, Research Associate, SCRI, Florida State University
1985-1987, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
1982-1985, Research Assistant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1981-1982, Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Awards and Scholarships .
Distinguished Research Professor of Physics , 2008, Florida
State University
Donald Robson Professor of Physics , Named Professorship, 2004, Florida
State University
Fellow of American Physical Society , American Physical Society, 2002
PAI Award , for excelence in Teaching and Research, 1998, Florida
State University
Developing Scholar Award (1990). Florida State University
First Ross J. Martin Award(1985). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Member of Sigma Xi.
Scholarship from the University of Athens (1975-80) and from the ``GreekAtomic
Energy Commission" (1980-81).
Second Panhellenic Mathematical Society Award(1975)
Research Funding
My research is funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Students who received Ph.D Degree under my supervision
M. Boninsengi, Ph.D, Graduated in October 1992. Thesis title:``Variational
and Green's function Monte Carlo study of lightly doped quantumantiferromagnets''.
Employment after graduation: Research Associate atthe University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Z. Liu, Ph.D, Graduated in December 1992. Thesis title: "Antiferromagnetism
and hole dynamics in the copper oxides''. Employment after graduation:Research
Associate at the Cornell Theory Center.
N. Schultka, Ph. D, Graduated in April 1995. Thesis title: "Numerical
investigations of scaling in superfluids'' Employment after graduation:Research
Associate at University of Aachen, Germany.
M. E. Pierce, Ph. D, Graduated in December 1998. Thesis title:``Path
Integral Monte Carlo Studies of Helium Adsorbed on Graphite".
Employment after graduation, Indiana University, School of Informatics.
K. Nho, Ph. D, Graduated in July 2001. Thesis title: "Path Integral
Monte Carlo of Hydrogen Adsorbed on Graphite". Employment after graduation:
Research Associate at University of Georgia.
Q. M. Doan, Ph. D, Graduated in February 2008. Thesis title
"Variational study of the nematic phase of the two-dimensional electron
gas in a magnetic field". Employment after graduation:
Quantitative Analyst, Bank of America.
S. Kar, Ph. D, Graduated in July 2010. Thesis title
"Role of Phonons, Doping and Domain Walls in Hole Propagation in Two-Dimensional Quantum Antiferromagnets". Employment after graduation:
University of North Florida. Visiting Assistant Professor.
Keola Wierschem, Ph. D, Graduated in July 2010. Thesis title
"Role of Defects in Possible Superfluidity of Spatially Ordered Helium"
Employment after graduation:
Post-doctoral Research Associate-National Technical University of Signapore.
Mailing address:
Department of Physics
612 Keen Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
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