Efstratios Manousakis

Donald Robson Professor of Physics
and Distinguished Research Professor

Department of Physics
and Center for Materials Research and Technology
Florida State University

Professor, Condensed Matter Theory.
E-mail: stratos@cmmp.fsu.edu
Telephone: (850) 644-3713
Fax Number: (850) 644-8630
Room: 612 Keen Building, Physics Department.

Research Interests

Condensed Matter Theory; Many-Body Theory; Statistical Mechanics.

Strongly Correlated Electrons 
Phase Transitions 
The Many-body Problem 
Computational Physics



Biographical Information

Born in Ithaca, Greece, 1957.
Citizenship: U.S. and Greek.
Children: One Child: Jacob-AnthonyManousakis
Home Address: 2333 Tuscavilla Rd,  Tallahassee, FL 32312
Home Phone Number: (850)668-0572.


Professional Experience Awards and Scholarships . Research Funding Students who received Ph.D Degree under my supervision
M. Boninsengi, Ph.D, Graduated in October 1992. Thesis title:``Variational and Green's function Monte Carlo study of lightly doped quantumantiferromagnets''. Employment after graduation: Research Associate atthe University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Z. Liu, Ph.D, Graduated in December 1992. Thesis title: "Antiferromagnetism and hole dynamics in the copper oxides''. Employment after graduation:Research Associate at the Cornell Theory Center.
N. Schultka, Ph. D, Graduated in April 1995. Thesis title: "Numerical investigations of scaling in superfluids'' Employment after graduation:Research Associate at University of Aachen, Germany.
M. E. Pierce, Ph. D, Graduated in December 1998. Thesis title:``Path Integral Monte Carlo Studies of Helium Adsorbed on Graphite". Employment after graduation, Indiana University, School of Informatics.
K. Nho, Ph. D, Graduated in July 2001. Thesis title: "Path Integral Monte Carlo of Hydrogen Adsorbed on Graphite". Employment after graduation: Research Associate at University of Georgia.
Q. M. Doan, Ph. D, Graduated in February 2008. Thesis title "Variational study of the nematic phase of the two-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field". Employment after graduation: Quantitative Analyst, Bank of America.
S. Kar, Ph. D, Graduated in July 2010. Thesis title "Role of Phonons, Doping and Domain Walls in Hole Propagation in Two-Dimensional Quantum Antiferromagnets". Employment after graduation: University of North Florida. Visiting Assistant Professor.
Keola Wierschem, Ph. D, Graduated in July 2010. Thesis title "Role of Defects in Possible Superfluidity of Spatially Ordered Helium" Employment after graduation: Post-doctoral Research Associate-National Technical University of Signapore.




Mailing address:

Department of Physics
612 Keen Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306

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