Phys. Rev. B 48, 2024 (1993)

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Erratum: Electronic structure of C60 within the tight-binding approximation [Phys. Rev. B 44, 10 991 (1991)]

Efstratios Manousakis

©1993 The American Physical Society.

PACS: 31.10.+z 71.20.-b 99.10.+g

The calculation of the energy spectrum of the dimerized Csub 60 molecule has a numerical error. Figure 4 of the paper is incorrect; the corrected results for the dimerized molecule are given in Fig. 1 below. As a consequence the discussion of the fourth paragraph from the end of the above paper, which refers to Fig. 4, is also incorrect. To obtain the results presented in Fig. 1, we took t_{pi^{(2)}/}t_{pi^{(1)}=}1.1_ as in the original paper and the results are given in units of t_{pi^{(1)_.}The}main conclusion is that the degeneracies of the valence and conduction states are not lifted by the dimerization. Only the ninefold degeneracy of one of the levels is lifted.

Everything else in the paper (which does not refer to the dimerized molecule), namely, Figs. 1ndash3, Tables I and II, as well as the conclusions drawn from the rest of the calculation, is correct.

The author would like to thank B. L. Johnson, C. Barnes, and G. Kirczenow for bringing this error to his attention.