Phys. Rev. B 46, 560 (1992)

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Green's-function Monte Carlo study of the t-J model

Massimo Boninsegni and Efstratios Manousakis
Department of Physics, Center for Materials Research and Technology Supercomputer Computations Research Institute, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306
(Received 20 January 1992)

We show how the Green's function Monte Carlo method can be used to compute accurately the ground-state energy of two-dimensional t-J model for lattices of large size. This is demonstrated for the case of a single hole, with the aid of suitable initial and guidance functions. Our transient estimates for the ground-state energy of the 4 x 4 lattice are in remarkable agreement with the exact values; we report results for lattices of significantly larger size than 4 x 4.

©1992 The American Physical Society.

PACS: 74.20.-z 75.10.Jm 74.65.+n 02.70.+d

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