Cosmology: How did it all began?

  The Study of Genesis ... 

Steven Weinberg - a leading theoretical physicist and co-recipient of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics - cites "What could be more interesting than the problem of Genesis"  as the main reason for writing his popular book "The First Three Minutes"

Some of questions that we will attempt to answer are:

Our aim is to answer these questions, based exclusively on observational and experimental evidence. Indeed, a detailed theory of the early Universe - the so-called "Standard  Model" - is now available and we will draw heavily from it.

Olbers' Paradox and the Necessity of a Beginning
Olbers' paradox (1826) -- A look  at the night sky suggests a changeless Universe, apart from local (small-scale) phenomena, such as the clouds drifting across the Moon. Hence, suppose that on large-scale the Universe is static, infinite, eternal, and uniformly filled with stars. Then one must reach the conclusion that every point on the night sky must be as bright as the surface of a star. The reason for this (seemingly crazy) conclusion is that the number of stars at any given distance increases with the square of the distance, while the intensity of light from a star decreases also with the square of the distance. In this way we should live in the center of a hollow blackbody whose temperature is (like that of the Sun) about 6000 degrees. This is Olbers' paradox, which can be traced as far back as Kepler in 1610, rediscussed by Halley and Cheseaux in the eighteen century, but was not popularized as a paradox until Olbers took up the issue in 1826. There are many possible explanations which have been considered. Here are a few:

  1.       There's too much interstellar dust to see the distant stars.
  2.       The Universe has only a finite number of stars.
  3.       The Universe is expanding; distant stars are red shifted into obscurity.
  4.       The Universe is young; distant light has not reached us yet.
The first explanation - Olbers' Solution - is just plain wrong. In a black body, the interstellar dust will gradually heat up as the medium absorbs the radiation. Thus, the clouds would glow as bright as the stars. The premise of the second explanation may be technically correct. But the number of stars, finite as it might be, is still large enough to light up the entire sky. The final two possibilities are surely correct and partly responsible. There are numerical arguments that suggest that the effect of the finite age of the Universe - proposed originally by Edgar Allan Poe (1948) - is the larger effect. We live inside a spherical shell of "Observable Universe". Historically, after Hubble discovered that the Universe was expanding, but before the Big Bang was firmly established, Olbers' paradox was presented as proof of special relativity; you needed the red-shift to get rid of the starlight. This effect certainly contributes, but the finite age of the Universe is the most important effect. Thus, if the age of the Universe is finite, then:
The Universe had to have a Beginning, or a Genesis.

The Creation according to Michelangelo

Cosmological Principle:
On a large scale, the Universe is Homogeneous and Isotropic. Moreover, we believe in the Universality of the Laws of Physics. To say that the Universe is homogeneous means that any measurable property of the Universe is the same irrespective of the position of the observer in the Universe. The Isotropy of the Universe means that the Universe looks the same in all directions. These statements are only approximately correct at short distances (for example, for an observer looking only at the Solar System) but they appear to be an excellent approximation when one averages over very large regions in space. That the laws of physics are universal suggests that object, such as apples, obey the same laws here on Earth than on any other celestial body. Thus, the cosmological principle represents a large-scale generalization of Copernicus viewpoint: We do not live in a special place in the Universe. Indeed, all places in the Universe are equally special. Note that accepting the Cosmological Principle, simple as it may be, has important consequences:
Our Universe has no Center and no Edges.

The Expansion of the Universe:

In 1916 Albert Einstein published a new theory of gravity called: "The General Theory of Relativity". The theory of GR predicted that the Universe will either expand or contract depending on the density of matter/energy within it. Yet, even Einstein did not believe in some of the predictions of his own theory, such as the idea of a dynamical Universe and, thus, constructed a static model for the Universe. He called this one of the biggest mistakes of his life!

In 1919 Sir Arthur Eddington, a leading British astronomer  led an expedition to West Africa to study a solar eclipse and test one of the most important predictions of the newly developed Theory of General Relativity: The Bending of Light by the warping of spacetime near the Sun. Eddington through his observation confirmed Einstein's prediction and thus gave experimental basis to the General Theory of Relativity.

In 1922 Alexander Friedmann, a Russian mathematician, abandoned Einstein's model of a static Universe and taking into account the Cosmological  principle constructed a model of an expanding universe. Friedmann proposed a model for a Dynamical Universe; recall that Einstein proposed that the size  of the Universe was constant. Friedmann argued that space and time have to be homogeneous and isotropic - the Cosmological Principle - and that it should  possible for the average density and radius of the universe to change over time. The Big-Bang Model developed from Friedmann's theory of an expanding Universe.

In 1929 Edwin Hubble discovered the  velocity distance relation using the red-shift spectra of only 46 galaxies. Since then, Hubble's law has been confirmed for a large number of distant galaxies. Hubble's law is clear evidence that the Universe is expanding uniformly and has no center nor edges. Note that in the graph below the last point represents a galaxy located more than one billion light years away from Earth and receding at the colossal velocity of one tenth of the speed of light!

In retrospect, Hubble's law is not that difficult to understand once we have adopted the Cosmological Principle. Say three observers are located in galaxies A, B, and C which are separated by equal amounts. If B is receding away from A with a certain velocity "v", then, by the Cosmological Principle, C must be receding from B at the same exact speed v. This implies, by simply adding the velocities, that C will be receding from A at twice the speed (or 2v). This, of course, is Hubble's Law.

In 1965 Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson made a monumental discovery. Like many of science's greatest discoveries, the one that earned Penzias and Wilson the Nobel Prize in 1978 was an event of pure serendipity. While tuning a small, yet powerful and highly sensitive horn antenna for conducting radio astronomy experiments, Penzias and Wilson noted a constant low level noise disrupting their reception. Despite their efforts, Penzias and Wilson could not find any evidence of malfunction in their equipment. Moreover, the static persisted regardless of the direction the antenna was pointing. As they continued their investigation, Penzias and Wilson came to realize that they indeed had stumbled onto the most conclusive evidence to date supporting the Big Bang Theory:
The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).


The Cosmic Timeline

The Big Bang
Most scientists agree that the Universe began some 12 to 15 billion years ago in what has come to be known as the Big Bang; a term coined by the English astrophysicist Fred Hoyle in 1950. Hoyle - who championed a rival cosmological theory - meant the "Big Bang" to be a term of derision, but the name was so catchy that it stuck. Though the Big Bang suggests a colossal explosion, it wasn't really an "explosion" in the sense that we understand it today, such as the majestic Supernova explosions. At the precise instant of the Big Bang the Universe was infinitely dense and unimaginably hot. Cosmologists believe that all forms of matter and energy packed into a space smaller than the atomic nucleus. Yet, science tells us nothing about the way space, time, and  matter behaved in our Universe's earliest instants, from the time of the Big Bang all the way to 10-43 seconds later.

Immediately after the Big Bang, spacetime was certainly expanding. Indeed very violently and from this expansion of space was formed a highly energetic soup of particles and antiparticles. Antiparticles are not the result of science fiction - they are simple brothers and sisters of the most commonly known particles, such as electrons and quarks. For example, the antiparticle of the electron is called the positron. It looks almost identical to the electron except that it has opposite electric charge. Physicists have constructed a family of fundamental particles, divided into two groups of quarks and leptons. Quarks are the building blocks of protons and neutrons. Electrons, the most familiar lepton, combines with protons and neutrons to form atomic nuclei. Also in the lepton class are wispy, nearly massless neutrinos that interact only very weakly with other particles. Elusive as they are, neutrinos are abundant in the Universe and may be (???????) dark-matter candidates. At about 10-12 seconds, quarks, leptons and their antiparticles (such as antiquarks and positrons) were constantly colliding and annihilating each other with a release of energy in the form of photons. Likewise, two colliding photons could create matter/antimatter. At this time, matter, antimatter, and photons existed in equilibrium and in nearly equal amounts. There is hardly any antimatter left in our observable Universe today - and a good thing too or we wouldn't exist today as everything would have been annihilated long ago! What happened to it? This is a fundamental question that is still under debate.

Almost all of the Deuterium (Hydrogen with an extra neutron), Helium, and some of the Lithium nuclei in our Universe today were created during the "Era of Nucleosynthesis" which began about 1 second after the Big Bang and ended just 100 seconds later. Note that Hydrogen nuclei did not have to be created; they already existed in the form of the three-quark clusters we now call protons. One hundred seconds after the Big Bang the temperature dropped to the point where protons and neutrons could stick together without being torn apart by the highly energetic photons. This condition, a mere one billion degrees, were suddenly ripe for the formation of nuclei, the most stable of the lighter ones being that having two protons and two neutrons: Helium. At the end of the nucleosynthesis period, all of the neutrons had paired with protons to form helium, 24% of the primordial light elements and trace amounts of Deuterium, Tritium (Hydrogen with two extra neutrons), Helium3 and Lithium. The protons left over made up the remaining 75% of the Baryonic Matter. Scientists believe that 98% of the Helium present in the Universe today was produced - not in stars but - in those first few seconds.

During the next 300,000 years very little happens. For 300,000 years, protons and atomic nuclei continued to roam the Universe in a almost totally opaque sea of photons, electrons and neutrinos; opaque because photons couldn't travel far without bumping into a charged particle. Indeed, any electron that combined with a proton or with an atomic nucleus was immediately knocked out by an energetic traveling photon. Matter and radiation were intimately linked. But after 300,000 years, the opaque soup of nuclear matter and radiation began to clear. The temperature of the Universe dropped to a cozy 3,000 K (one half of the temperature at the surface of the Sun). At this temperature, photons are no longer  energetically enough to knock out electrons from atomic nuclei. Now the photons were free to travel through the Universe at last decoupled from matter. This Recombination Era lasted about one million years. The vast sea of photons created during the Big Bang persist to this day, in the form of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) that pervades the Universe. No longer widely energetic after being stretched by the expansion of the universe for roughly 15 billion years, this radiation has cooled to a chilly 2.73 K (minus 270.43 Celsius!). The CMB is considered by cosmologists to be one of the clearest and unavoidable signatures of the Big Bang.

Tiny variations in the CMB have recently been found by the COBE satellite in this background radiation, indicating minute fluctuations in the density of matter and energy at the time of recombination. These fluctuations were eventually amplified by gravity to form the objects which make up our Universe, such as Stars, Galaxies, Clusters and Superclusters of Galaxies.

Accompanying those minute fluctuations in radiation were also tiny fluctuations of baryonic matter (mainly Hydrogen and Helium). Gravitational attraction between the atoms concentrated them into faint clouds of gas. As the Universe expanded the surrounding matter gradually thinned out with the result that the internal gravity of the gas clouds grew relatively stronger. Slowly, but then faster and faster, the clouds pulled in more and more material from the surrounding medium. Eventually, the clouds began to collapse under their own gravity, evolving into galaxies. About one billion years after the Big Bang, the first galaxies and the stars they contain were born. Our own Milky Way galaxy was formed when the Universe was about 3 billion years old. It started as a huge sphere of gas. Some stars formed in globular clusters scattered in a sphere. This is now the halo of our galaxy. The rest of the gas settled into a disk around its central bulge and spiral arms formed.

The Big Bang has been enormously successful in explaining several properties of the observable Universe:

To answer these questions, cosmologist are turning to an impressive array of tools. On the one hand, new and powerful telescopes, both earthbound and spaceborn, enable them to peer out into space and back in time as never before. On the other hand, alternative models of cosmic creation and evolution can be tested in advanced computers. Better observations, new theories, and computer simulations hold the key to solving these ancient and fundamental mysteries of our Universe.

 Stage  Time   Temperature (Energy)  Description
 First  10-45 to 10-32 sec  Greater than 1015 K (100 GeV)  Inflation; generation of density fluctuations
 Second  10-6 sec  Greater than 1012 K (100 MeV)  Quark Soup (QG Plasma)
 Third  10-4 sec to 3 min  1012  to 109 K (0.1 MeV)  Nucleosynthesis; formation of D, He and Li
  Fourth  400,000 years  4,000 K (1 eV)  Formation of neutral atoms; radiation decouples
  Fifth  1 billion years  20-3 K (1 meV)  Formation of first-generation stars and  galaxies
  Sixth  3 billion years  20-3 K (1 meV)  Formation of heavy elements by supernovae;
 Formation of second-generations stars.
 Seventh  3-15 billion years  3 K (0.25 meV)  Genesis of planets and LIFE
The Cosmic Calendar 

Yet, not all is well in the Big Bang. For example, there is strong evidence that shortly after the Big Bang the Universe was essentially uniform in its density and appearance. When we peer out to the cosmos today, it's evident that the distribution of matter is far from uniform. In fact it's positively lumpy, even on a large scale, and clearly exhibits a hierarchical organization. As far as we can tell, planets formed sometime during starbirth, giving rise to solar systems such our own. Stars are organized into galaxies, which in turn appear to be bound gravitationally together in clusters. Superclusters of galaxies stretch across hundreds of billions of light years, bounded by enormous voids. How can this evident "lumpiness" be explained? That's but one of the questions challenging cosmologists as they try to explain the Universe we observe today. Other difficult questions about cosmic origins and evolution preoccupy their minds, such as: